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Community Solar Subscriptions Now Available for Kankakee County Businesses and Residents

As solar developments emerge across Kankakee County and the state, small businesses and residents now have the opportunity to contract with approved vendors of the Illinois Shines program to offset their electric costs and support the State of Illinois’ ambitious renewable energy goals. With a Community Solar subscription, qualified users are able to participate in renewable energy generation and energy cost savings, even if they are unable to have an on‐site system at their home or business.

Among Illinois Shines’ approved vendors is Clearway Energy, an affiliate of Trajectory Energy Partners. Trajectory is working with Clearway to subscribe Illinois residents and businesses to Community Solar projects within their electric utility territory. In subscribing, users will receive solar credits that translate to a 20% discount on their monthly electric bills.

9-15-2020 WEBINAR REGISTRATION: Community Solar for Small Business in Kankakee County

For more information, visit Clearway Energy.

With the passage of the Future Energy Jobs Act in 2016, the State of Illinois pledged to move to 25% clean energy by 2030. Priorities include developing new infrastructure and jobs, reducing energy cost for businesses and residents, and serving disadvantaged communities through brownfield redevelopment and community solar projects, among other means.